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Just Suddenly

We wish to help you get your message across, to your loved ones, through music
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Just Suddenly

We wish to help you get your message across, to your loved ones, through music

Just Suddenly

We wish to help you get your message across, to your loved ones, through music



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Just Suddenly - Too Much

Too Much Cover Art

Too Much is a true story. I was going through a terrible, terrible heartbreak. And I was in no state to talk with anyone. So, I simply withdrew from everyone. And the only people who noticed this were either my family members or my colleagues at the office. It was 2014. The year after I wrote ‘She Is Going Away’, the secret song. We had a motherly figure on our team. Her name was Madhura Gupta. She was a chatter-box, she was ambitious and she had a knack to watch over each one of us.

And since I was so broken and lost in processing my own grief, I behaved rudely to Madhura. I told her, “Who said we’re friends?” And I realized at that moment that I had crossed a line and hurt her. Cause Madhura never shuts up, and she didn’t utter a word to me after that day. Whatever conversations we had after that day were simply work-related.

Months went by as we didn’t speak with each other. I kept my distance from everyone as usual. I felt bad about hurting her, but I was just being honest. I didn’t consider anyone a friend. I was so heartbroken that I wouldn’t even listen to the Senior Manager about joining the team for a simple Pizza-party. I remember the workload was off the charts for the video team, and as I was meticulous with my work, I was falling behind. I was doing a very good job, but the company wanted quantity, not quality. At that point, I had to either deliver quantity or I was going to be fired. I didn’t want to bow down to providing poor-quality products, but that’s what I was asked to do. So, I bit my tongue and gave the company what it needed. Cause, getting fired over my personal preference was stupid. If I was going to get fired or quit the company, I was going to do it when I was at my best. Madhura had agreed to be my mentor in the buddy system at the time. She had complete confidence in me, that if Vedaunsh puts his mind to it, he can do whatever he wants. She had complete faith in me. She showed me how to deliver quantity over quality and prevented me from getting fired.

It took me 1.5 years to process my heartbreak. And I was getting tired of the sadness. When I finally decided to break the cycle and return to the world of humans again, the first friend I made was Edlyn Dcruz. I told her I wanted to apologize to Madhura, and that I’m writing a song for her. Edlyn was thrilled about the idea and kept pushing me to finish it faster and get it over with it. She isn’t the patient type. I on the other hand am a slow person who takes his time with things. After completing the song I was still rehearsing it and kept procrastinating.

And one fine day, we heard rumors that Madhura was either quitting the company or she was getting transferred to another team. I imagined the former and didn’t want to lose my window to perform the song for her and apologize. So, I picked a day in that week itself. We took her to the cafeteria, I had taken my guitar and I performed the song for her. She was blown away. She forgave me in an instant. Madhura said, “This is the best thing you have done for me. No one can top this off.”

And that is the story behind ‘Too Much’. Madhura knew what friendship meant. She knew how to commit to people and be an amazing friend, even when I told her we weren’t friends, she watched out for me and came to rescue me. So, figure out who are your good friends and keep them close. Kick the rest of them out. Madhura and I became really good friends after that.

Vedaunsh Pradeep

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